Monday, May 31, 2010

Balaclava thugs storm apartment

Cologne - incomprehensible attack on Wupperweg in Cologne-level house: There was a knock at the door - in front of three armed masked men stood with murderers, pepper spray and gun!
The trio with the balaclavas ran into the apartment. One was the three women (16, 20, 83) in check, who were here. The other went to the upper floor.
Shortly after they came home, had the furniture safe under his arm - and left the apartment. They then fled towards Honschaftsstraße.
They are the perpetrators: 1 Perpetrators: About 1.80 m tall, dark eyes and dark eyebrows, wearing a dark plaid jacket and blue jeans.
2nd Offender: Approx. 1.65 m tall portly stature. It was striking a red stripe on the side of the pants or jacket.
3rd Offenders: The third offender can not be described in more detail, it is probably with him is a safe Südländer.Der stolen about 40 x 20 inches tall and is locked with a combination lock. Witnesses in this regard, the investigators of the 14 Crime Commissariat can help should contact by calling 0221/229-0 to the police.