Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dog owners dumber than cats Fans

And another study, which will provide for surprised looks. Apparently cats are smarter than the owners of dogs.
The Bristol University examined the educational attainment of 2524 households with pets. In 47.2 percent of households with cats, at least one person found with a university degree, but with only 38.4 percent of households dog.
Do dogs and cats so stupid smart?
No, definitely not. The explanation may be quite simple. A dog makes just more work than a cat needs regular fresh air. Mum and dad have to leave the job often. Probably exactly the moment where the cat sniffing fans just a wonderful new career opportunity and einschnurren is the boss.
Consolation for dog fans: They live much healthier, are often in the air. And the wings - good ideas too ...
Cat owners are smarter than the owner and owners of dogs? Your opinion counts - including at /