Friday, April 30, 2010

Bank robber shot at stand-Chief Eddy

Troisdorf --
It was only a moment, the fraction of a second - but Edgar "Eddy" Shepherd (60) it will never forget.
The kiosk boss had two bank robbers when suddenly turned one of the perpetrators - and to shepherd shot!
The VR-Bank (Roncalli Street) is located directly at the kiosk. Around 17.30 clock, the armed duo then stormed in, threatened two employees.
Shortly thereafter, a customer came in Schafer's shop. "She said that a bank had been attacked and asked us to call the police," he says. "I went out to check whether I can help in some way - in that moment two masked came out."
Edgar Schäfer spurted behind the bank robbers. "That was instinct," he says. With 60 of the kiosk-chief is still fit and had nearly caught one of the culprits. "I came to two meters of the ran. Then one took his pistol and shot me on the run! "
Flash muzzle flash, a loud bang. "The would not have missed me ..." said Schafer, who was standing in shock. His good fortune: It was not a sharp weapon - otherwise be the father now dead
Not be excluded that the fugitive robber coming out of the place. The kiosk-chief: "They knew from here." The police is investigating.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Helmet back in training

Leverkusen - He is the loser of the previous preparation. During training opener had top-signing Patrick Helmes a band and contracted capsule injury.
On Sunday, he reported back on Monday and will return full einsteigen.Auch Theofanis Gekas on Monday back under the Bayer Cross expected to clarify whether he gets his broken cheekbone after a face mask.
By contrast, the two-Thiago threatens to burst deals. Thiago Neves is the case for his gala performance in the final of the Copa Libertadores exploded and the market value of Thiago Silva Fluminese suddenly blocking the bill. The association wants to give him until winter. Then Bayer would start with just two defenders in the season.

Monday, April 19, 2010

This will save tens of thousands of jobs in Cologne

Cologne - He is considered one of the best in his field.
A pro. Even under time pressure, the Cologne lawyer Klaus Hubert Görg (68) always keep a clear head. His reputation is brilliant. Now he is to lead as the liquidator, the plight of Arcandor. Tens of thousands hoping that Görg save their jobs.
His appointment as provisional liquidator of the food court at Arcandor took on the industry by surprise. Nobody doubts his skills.
But Klaus Hubert Görg had changed from the insolvency of redevelopment as a consultant to businesses. A man as he was last called those who wanted to avoid insolvency.
His law firm in Cologne, whose namesake he was, is specializing in transactions and reorganizations. 150 consultants operating from five locations. The list of completed bankruptcies, Görg, or in which he was involved is long.
The "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper once dubbed him as" light shape ". But the light of the public shun the light form. Klaus Hubert Görg (was born in 1940 in Düsseldorf) retired and living in Rösrath. He studied in Marburg, Munich and Cologne and was later was named Managing Director of a medium sized association. Then he began his career as a lawyer and was soon entrusted with large bankruptcy and composition proceedings. Gorg is married and has four grown children.
The insolvency at Arcandor will handle Görg, in close cooperation with the Düsseldorf Juris States Horst Piepenburg. Piepenburg, by many as the liquidator for Arcandor expects, is now chief representative of the company. The Essen district court decided in the election of the Bankruptcy Adviser, but for Görg. The reason may be that Piepenburg has advised in advance of the Arcandor insolvency to lead the company.
And for Görg itself may well be worth the commitment. The fee can be a receiver with a seven large corporate bankruptcies ...
Also of interest
Görg long list of successes
Cost of insolvency

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trial of "Bickendorf Gangster" will be reopened

Be decided Cologne - The Federal Court: The trial of the "Bickendorf-Gangster" at the Cologne district court must be reopened.
The Cologne court had sentenced the youths aged 14 to 19 years probation. Too lenient, and gave federal judges found the place of the revision of the Cologne public prosecutor. The latter had filed an appeal against the sentences of ten months and two years probation.
The Cologne court had stated in the court's opinion, prison sentences were the wrong approach educationally. But the federal judges see the apparently very different. At the urging hohenZahl serious crimes within a short time in the 'presence of harmful tendencies on, "argued the Supreme Court inKarlsruhe.
"Serious and very serious arson and Raubsind serious crimes, the commission Annahmerechtfertigt normally consider the that the imposition of juvenile Schwereder because of the debt is required," reads a statement desGerichts in Karlsruhe. The evidence of the district court had rendered sichteilweise be incomplete. The district court had assessed dieumfassenden confessions of young people and the group ina criminal cases, not as a "gang" classified. This seifehlerhaft, told the judges of the 2nd Criminal Division.
Also of interest
Trial before the Federal Court

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Avatar - Setting out for Pandora

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With his new film "Avatar" will, James Cameron, director of Titanic, Terminator and Alien, again breaking all records. Ex-Marine soldier Jake Sully is sent on a mission, when he discover an exotic planet, and to prepare the settlement. But overwhelmed by the beauty of the planet Pandora, and fascinated by his blue-skinned, nature-loving residents, Jake moves in the crossfire.
?? movie.label.director??
James Cameron
?? movie.label.actors??
Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez
?? movie.label.genre??
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
161?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (Part 3)
With remote-controlled hybrid bodies, the avatars that people want in the 22nd Century on the planet Pandora Commodities win. But the natives to defend himself ... 3-D fantasy epic from James Cameron. USA '09, FSK: ab 12 Start: 17.12.09
Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (Part 1)
Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (Trailer)
Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (Part 2)
Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (Part 5)
Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (Teaser)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fieser doner dispute: chase down the A 3

Leverkusen - The dispute about a machine for marinating meat kebab in Leverkusen is evil degenerate.
Next were two former business partners (42, 53) on a Solinger premises at the kebab machine fought over. The 53-year-old did not hesitate and cleared the device on his truck
The 42-year-old then turned his BMW across the front of the vehicle - but the other managed to hurtling in the direction of Highway 3.
His former business partner went behind the BMW, two other men in the VW Polo joined him.
On the Highway 3 there was then a showdown. The two drivers both before and sat down beside the truck, their positions changed constantly. The Polo driver threatened even clear: With an iron bar he pointed towards the exit.
The truck driver finally stopped. The other two ripped the passenger door, beat them up with the iron rod at the man and his passenger.
Only when several passing cars honked their horns, they let go of the victims and fled themselves
Now under investigation to all concerned against the BMW drivers and Polo bodily harm and dangerous interference with the road, against the persecution of embezzlement.