Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fieser doner dispute: chase down the A 3

Leverkusen - The dispute about a machine for marinating meat kebab in Leverkusen is evil degenerate.
Next were two former business partners (42, 53) on a Solinger premises at the kebab machine fought over. The 53-year-old did not hesitate and cleared the device on his truck
The 42-year-old then turned his BMW across the front of the vehicle - but the other managed to hurtling in the direction of Highway 3.
His former business partner went behind the BMW, two other men in the VW Polo joined him.
On the Highway 3 there was then a showdown. The two drivers both before and sat down beside the truck, their positions changed constantly. The Polo driver threatened even clear: With an iron bar he pointed towards the exit.
The truck driver finally stopped. The other two ripped the passenger door, beat them up with the iron rod at the man and his passenger.
Only when several passing cars honked their horns, they let go of the victims and fled themselves
Now under investigation to all concerned against the BMW drivers and Polo bodily harm and dangerous interference with the road, against the persecution of embezzlement.