Friday, April 30, 2010

Bank robber shot at stand-Chief Eddy

Troisdorf --
It was only a moment, the fraction of a second - but Edgar "Eddy" Shepherd (60) it will never forget.
The kiosk boss had two bank robbers when suddenly turned one of the perpetrators - and to shepherd shot!
The VR-Bank (Roncalli Street) is located directly at the kiosk. Around 17.30 clock, the armed duo then stormed in, threatened two employees.
Shortly thereafter, a customer came in Schafer's shop. "She said that a bank had been attacked and asked us to call the police," he says. "I went out to check whether I can help in some way - in that moment two masked came out."
Edgar Schäfer spurted behind the bank robbers. "That was instinct," he says. With 60 of the kiosk-chief is still fit and had nearly caught one of the culprits. "I came to two meters of the ran. Then one took his pistol and shot me on the run! "
Flash muzzle flash, a loud bang. "The would not have missed me ..." said Schafer, who was standing in shock. His good fortune: It was not a sharp weapon - otherwise be the father now dead
Not be excluded that the fugitive robber coming out of the place. The kiosk-chief: "They knew from here." The police is investigating.