Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trial of "Bickendorf Gangster" will be reopened

Be decided Cologne - The Federal Court: The trial of the "Bickendorf-Gangster" at the Cologne district court must be reopened.
The Cologne court had sentenced the youths aged 14 to 19 years probation. Too lenient, and gave federal judges found the place of the revision of the Cologne public prosecutor. The latter had filed an appeal against the sentences of ten months and two years probation.
The Cologne court had stated in the court's opinion, prison sentences were the wrong approach educationally. But the federal judges see the apparently very different. At the urging hohenZahl serious crimes within a short time in the 'presence of harmful tendencies on, "argued the Supreme Court inKarlsruhe.
"Serious and very serious arson and Raubsind serious crimes, the commission Annahmerechtfertigt normally consider the that the imposition of juvenile Schwereder because of the debt is required," reads a statement desGerichts in Karlsruhe. The evidence of the district court had rendered sichteilweise be incomplete. The district court had assessed dieumfassenden confessions of young people and the group ina criminal cases, not as a "gang" classified. This seifehlerhaft, told the judges of the 2nd Criminal Division.
Also of interest
Trial before the Federal Court